Visual Control of Robots: high-performance visual servoing
Wiley 1996 (now out of print but available as a free PDF).
This book is essentially Peter Corke’s 1994 PhD thesis from University of Melbourne. The work started in 1988 while Corke was at U. Penn GRASP lab, and continued after he returned to Melbourne and started his PhD in 1990.
The book looks in fine detail at the dynamics of robot and vision system performance and evaluates a number of different controllers to maximise closed-loop tracking error.
Early experiments in visual servoing
Visual feedback, 2-DOF (4:27)
- Vision: 60Hz
- binary segmentation (Datacube)
- centroid feature APA-512
- Robot control: microVAX
- Unimate position loops
- Communications: ethernet, UDP protocol
- University of Pennsylvania, GRASP Laboratory, 1988.
Experimental facilities (2:44)
- CSIRO, 1990-94. Section 5.2
Experiments in visual servoing (4:20)
- Visual feedback, 1- and 2-DOF
- Vision: 50Hz
- binary segmentation (Datacube)
- centroid feature APA-512+
- Robot control: MVME-147 (25MHz)
- Unimate position loops
- Communications: VMEbus
- CSIRO, 1990-92. Section 5.3
Visual feedforward control (6:34)
- Visual feedforward control, 1- and 2-DOF
- Vision: binary segmentation (Datacube)
- centroid feature APA-512+
- Robot control: MVME-147 (25MHz)
- software velocity loops (50Hz)
- Communications: VMEbus
- CSIRO, 1992-93. Section 5.7
Visual control of a major robot axis (9:21)
- Visual feedback, 1-DOF
- Vision: 50Hz
- binary segmentation (Datacube)
- centroid feature APA-512+
- Robot control: MVME-147 (25MHz)
- computed torque, software velocity loops (500Hz)
- Communications: VMEbus
- CSIRO, 1993. Section 6.1
Translational visual servoing (9:48)
- Visual feedforward, 3-DOF
- Vision: 50Hz
- binary segmentation (Datacube)
- 2 centroid features APA-512+
- Robot control: MVME-147 (33MHz)
- computed-torque, software velocity loops (250Hz)
- Communications: VMEbus
- CSIRO, 1994. Section 6.2