Vision-based Robot Control
Building a highly accurate robot is not trivial yet we can perform fine positioning tasks like threading a needle using hand-eye coordination. For a robot we call this visual servoing.
Building a highly accurate robot is not trivial yet we can perform fine positioning tasks like threading a needle using hand-eye coordination. For a robot we call this visual servoing.
Once a digital image exists as a matrix in the MATLAB workspace we can manipulate it to extract information that a robot could use. We will discuss some fundamental algorithms that operate on single images.
For an image stored as a variable in the MATLAB workspace let’s look at how we access the values of individual pixels in an image using their row and column coordinates. Using the MATLAB colon operator we can extract an intensity profile, extract a submatrix which is a region of the image, flip the image […]
We will discuss some important non-technical aspects of robotics. What are the problems facing our society that robots might help to address? There are lots of tasks that robots could do, but should they? What are the ethical considerations around robots? Why are people scared of robots?
We introduce serial-link robot manipulators, the sort of robot arms you might have seen working in factories doing tasks like welding, spray painting or material transfer. We will learn how we can compute the pose of the robot’s end-effector given knowledge of the robot’s joint angles and the dimensions of its links.