Using Homographies in MATLAB
We use MATLAB and some Toolbox functions to compute an homography and also apply it.
We use MATLAB and some Toolbox functions to compute an homography and also apply it.
We use MATLAB and some Toolbox functions to find tomatoes on a bush. We convert the color image to chromaticity coordinates, select the pixels that belong to the tomatoes and the perform blob analysis to find the location of the tomatoes.
We use MATLAB and some Toolbox functions to model the spectrum of a realistic light source, its modification after reflection from a colored object and the response of the cone cells to form a tristimulus response.
We store movies in files, typically in an MPEG format. Let’s look at what’s inside one of those movie files, and how we can grab a frame from a movie as an image and put it into the MATLAB workspace.
If we want to process images the first thing we need to do is to read an image into MATLAB as a variable in the workspace. What kind of variable is an image? How can we see the image inside a variable? How do we refer to to individual pixels within an image.
We use MATLAB and some Toolbox functions to create a robot controller that moves a camera so the image matches what we want it to look like. We call this an image-based visual servoing system.
We summarise the important points from this masterclass.
The orientation of a body in 3D can be described by three angles, examples of which are Euler angles and roll-pitch-yaw angles. Note that in the MATLAB example at 8:24 note that recent versions of the Robotics Toolbox (9.11, 10.x) give a different result: >> rpy2r(0.1,0.2,0.3)ans = 0.9363 -0.2751 0.2184 0.2896 0.9564 -0.0370 -0.1987 0.0978 […]
We discuss the structure of a right-handed 3D coordinate frame and the spatial relationship between its axes which is encoded in the right-hand rule.
We can factorise the joint torque expression into an elegant matrix equation with terms that describe the effects of inertia, Coriolis and centripetal and gravity effects.