Actuators are the components that actually move the robot’s joint. So let’s look at a few different actuation technologies that are used in robots.
Actuators are the components that actually move the robot’s joint. So let’s look at a few different actuation technologies that are used in robots.
As we did for the simple planar robots we can invert the Jacobian and perform resolved-rate motion control.
A more efficient trajectory has a trapezoidal velocity profile.
For a simple 2-link planar robot we introduce and derive its Jacobian matrix, and also introduce the concept of spatial velocity.
For a real 6-link robot our previous approach to computing the Jacobian becomes unwieldy so we will instead compute a numerical approximation to the forward kinematic function.
We extend what we have learnt to a 3-link planar robot where we can also consider the rotational velocity of the end-effector.
We repeat the process of the last section but this time consider it as an algebraic problem.
We resume our analysis of the 6-link robot Jacobian and focus on the rotational velocity part.
A robot manipulator may have any number of joints. We look at how the shape of the Jacobian matrix changes depending on the number of joints of the robot.
To move a robot smoothly from one pose to another we need smooth and coordinated motion of all the joints. The simplest approach is called joint interpolated motion but it has some limitations.