Rigid-Body Dynamics
We can factorise the joint torque expression into an elegant matrix equation with terms that describe the effects of inertia, Coriolis and centripetal and gravity effects.
We can factorise the joint torque expression into an elegant matrix equation with terms that describe the effects of inertia, Coriolis and centripetal and gravity effects.
Actuators have finite capability, that is they have a maximum torque, velocity and power rating.
The most common type of actuator is a rotary electric motor so let’s look at the basic principles.
We use MATLAB and some Toolbox functions to create a robot controller that moves a camera so the image matches what we want it to look like. We call this an image-based visual servoing system.
Let’s recap the important points from the topics we have covered in our discussion of optical flow and visual servoing.
A problem arises when using three-angle sequences and particular values of the middle angle leads to a condition called a singularity. This mathematical phenomena is related to a problem that occurs in the physical world with mechanical gimbal systems. Note that in Robotics, Vision & Control (second edition) and RTB10.x the default definition of roll-pitch-yaw […]
Actuators are the components that actually move the robot’s joint. So let’s look at a few different actuation technologies that are used in robots.
Visual servoing is concerned with the motion of points in the world. How can we reliably detect such points using computer vision techniques.
There is a lot of information in an image which we need to summarize somehow. An intensity histogram is one form of summary that provides useful information about how well the exposure of our camera is adjusted.
It is common to think about an assembly task being specified in terms of coordinates in the 3D world. An alternative approach is to consider the task in terms of the relative position of objects in one or more views of the task — visual servoing.