Introduction to robotics


Welcome to the very first lecture in our online course, Introduction to Robotics.

My name is Peter Corke and I'll be your lecturer for the next six weeks.

So, this is a really quick run through if you like the, the fictional underpinnings of robotics. What we're going do in this first course is look at the great variety of robots that exist today. We're going start off with manufacturing robots. These are the arm type robots that you see working in factories building cars, building computers and so on, very, very important class of robots.

And, that's the type of robot we are going to study most carefully in this Introduction to Robotics course. But, in this particular lecture, I want to paint the big picture of the different types of robots that are in the world today. So, we are going to look at robots that drive, robots that fly, robots that swim underneath the water or robots that paddle around on the surface of the water, effectively robotic boats.

So, in this first lecture, we are going to orient ourselves in learning about the big spread of robotics. And then, for the remainder of the course, we are going knuckle down and look at an arm type robots in particular.


There is no code in this lesson.

We introduce the topic of robotics, the recent history, why we need robots and the future of robots.

Professor Peter Corke

Professor of Robotic Vision at QUT and Director of the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision (ACRV). Peter is also a Fellow of the IEEE, a senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and on the editorial board of several robotics research journals.

Skill level

This content assumes only general knowledge.

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  1. Hobie says:

    I’m starting this today, I have some experience with robotic water tank cleaning, adaptive sailing, and navigation. I am also a geologist. Thank you for this opportunity.

    1. Jerry says:

      I loved the information that you sent to me

  2. Luke says:

    Thank you for this lecture which is for beginners just like me who wants to run a website abt robots.

    1. Peter Corke says:

      What’s your website?

  3. MGU says:

    Book “Industrial robots and cobots” could be a good supplementary material to this introduction. First two chapters are available for free:

    1. Peter Corke says:

      The free part of the book has some interesting history. I’m a bit concerned that it is touting some quite expensive robot simulation software from Siemens. The list of small robots is interesting but not very complete, I’ve been compiling such a list myself which I should finish and make public…

  4. Abid hussain says:

    This is a wonderful platform, I am going to start today.

  5. Malla Haswanth says:

    Thank u sir for providing this online classes

  6. Malla Haswanth says:

    Thank u sir for providing this online classes this can be usefull world wide those cant provide them selves online course s

  7. Pratik says:

    I always want to learn about robotics and in india pursuing its course is too costly but because of this site i am happy that I will learn about robotical science
    #thank robotacademy

    1. Circuit_lover says:

      Me too ✌

  8. Naresh says:

    Dr. Corke,

    What is the order in which one should take the Masterclasses (from a beginner’s perspective)?

    If I click Masterclasses-ALL, I see a list of video lessons starting from ‘Introduction to robotics’ (9 lessons) followed by ‘2D Geometry’ (9 lessons), ‘3D Geometry’ (15 lessons) and so on, and eventually ending with ‘Vision and motion’ (11 lessons).

    Thanks for making these freely available to all.

    1. Peter Corke says:

      The order they are listed is best, but skip what you don’t need. The first few on 2D and 3D geometry provide knowledge you will need throughout, so they should be on your essential viewing list. The order basically reflects how I teach this in a 13 week semester at university.

  9. Jonathan says:

    Hello proffesor.
    I have just started this set of lessons. I became interested in computer vision and matlab recently, so decided to take the course.
    Thank you very much for posting all this information.
    Kind regards

  10. Tattys says:

    I’ve just started this online course, I’m very interested in this topic and I really hope to understand everything because my first language is Spanish. I’ve only checked two videos but I think you are an amazing Professor. Thank you for making these videos #RobotAcademy

    1. Peter Corke says:

      My pleasure. There is a student-led project at the moment to add Portugese subtitles to these videos, see https://github.com/ras-ufcg/CorkeVideos. I know that doesn’t help you, but if you can find some co-workers we could have Spanish language subtitles as well.

  11. mahmoudanis123 says:

    how can I get these slides

  12. Rajeshkumar says:

    Hi sir thank you for teaching us and I am going to learn as much as I can.. thanks

  13. Arshdeep says:

    Hi Peter. How are you doing? I need your help regarding robotics engineering as a career. It would be much appreciated if I can contact you through any social media source. Thanks!

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