Robot workspace
The workspace of a robot arm is the set of all positions that it can reach. This depends on a number of factors including the dimensions of the arm.
The workspace of a robot arm is the set of all positions that it can reach. This depends on a number of factors including the dimensions of the arm.
Most computers today have a built-in camera. Let’s look at how we can grab images directly from such a camera and put them in the MATLAB workspace.
We store movies in files, typically in an MPEG format. Let’s look at what’s inside one of those movie files, and how we can grab a frame from a movie as an image and put it into the MATLAB workspace.
If we want to process images the first thing we need to do is to read an image into MATLAB as a variable in the workspace. What kind of variable is an image? How can we see the image inside a variable? How do we refer to to individual pixels within an image.
Since an image in MATLAB is just a matrix of numbers, we could write code to fill in the elements of the matrix. Let’s look at some simple examples such as squares, circles and lines and more complex images formed by pasting these shapes together.
Once a digital image exists as a matrix in the MATLAB workspace we can manipulate it to extract information that a robot could use. We will discuss some fundamental algorithms that operate on single images.
For an image stored as a variable in the MATLAB workspace let’s look at how we access the values of individual pixels in an image using their row and column coordinates. Using the MATLAB colon operator we can extract an intensity profile, extract a submatrix which is a region of the image, flip the image […]