Base and tool transforms
The pose of the working part of a robot’s tool depends on additional transforms. Where is the end of the tool with respect to the end of the arm, and where is the base of the robot with respect to the world?
The pose of the working part of a robot’s tool depends on additional transforms. Where is the end of the tool with respect to the end of the arm, and where is the base of the robot with respect to the world?
We consider the simplest possible robot, which has one rotary joint and an arm.
We learn how to describe the orientation of an object by a 3×3 rotation matrix which has some special properties.
Most computers today have a built-in camera. Let’s look at how we can grab images directly from such a camera and put them in the MATLAB workspace.
The orientation of a body in 3D can also be described by a unit-Quaternion, an unusual but very useful mathematical object. In the MATLAB example starting at 3:48 I use the Quaternion class. For Toolbox version 10 (2017) please use UnitQuaternion instead.
We start by looking at a number of different types of robot arm with particular focus on serial-link robot manipulators.
For a simple 2-link planar robot we introduce and derive its Jacobian matrix, and also introduce the concept of spatial velocity.
We learn how to create smoothly varying orientation in 3D by interpolating Euler angles and Quaternions. In the MATLAB example starting at 5:44 I use the Quaternion class. For Toolbox version 10 (2017) please use UnitQuaternion instead.
We will introduce resolved-rate motion control which is a classical Jacobian-based scheme for moving the end-effector at a specified velocity without having to compute inverse kinematics.
We learn to compute a trajectory that involves simultaneous smooth motion of many robot joints.