Visual perspective
We live in a three-dimensional world but it’s taken humans a long time to learn how to realistically depict the illusion of depth on a flat surface.
We live in a three-dimensional world but it’s taken humans a long time to learn how to realistically depict the illusion of depth on a flat surface.
What are the consequences of representing a three-dimensional scene using only two-dimensions? The appearance of parallel lines converging and circular objects being elliptical should be surprising but we take this for granted.
Let’s look at how light rays reflected from an object can form an image. We use the simple geometry of a pinhole camera to describe how points in a three-dimensional scene are projected on to a two-dimensional image plane.
We previously learnt how to derive a Jacobian which relates the velocity of a point, defined relative to one coordinate frame, to the velocity relative to a different coordinate frame. Now we extend that to the 3D case.
We learn to compute a trajectory that involves simultaneous smooth motion of many robot joints.
We learn how to describe the position and orientation of objects in the 3-dimensional space that we live in. This builds on our understanding of describing position and orientation in two dimensions.
We learn how to describe the position and orientation of objects on a 2-dimensional plane. We introduce the notion of reference frames as a basis for describing the position of objects in two dimensions.
We consider a robot with three joints that moves its end-effector on a plane.
The Jacobian matrix provides powerful diagnostics about how well the robot’s configuration is suited to the task. Wrist singularities can be easily detected and the concept of a velocity ellipse is extended to a 3-dimensional velocity ellipsoid.
The orientation of a body in 3D can be described by three angles, examples of which are Euler angles and roll-pitch-yaw angles. Note that in the MATLAB example at 8:24 note that recent versions of the Robotics Toolbox (9.11, 10.x) give a different result: >> rpy2r(0.1,0.2,0.3)ans = 0.9363 -0.2751 0.2184 0.2896 0.9564 -0.0370 -0.1987 0.0978 […]