Summary of Color
Let’s recap the important points from the topics we have covered about light, wavelength, spectrums, light sources, reflection, reflectance functions, cone cells, tristimulus and chromaticity space.
Let’s recap the important points from the topics we have covered about light, wavelength, spectrums, light sources, reflection, reflectance functions, cone cells, tristimulus and chromaticity space.
Incandescent light sources emit a lot of infrared radiation which we cannot see but can sense as heat. Non-incandescent sources such as fluorescent lights, cathode ray tubes and LEDs have quite different spectrums. When light travels through an absorbing medium, such as the atmosphere or water, different wavelengths are absorbed differently and this alters its […]
The light we see is a mixture of different wavelengths in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The most common source of light is incandescence from a very hot body such as our sun or the filament of an old-fashioned light bulb. The spectrum, the amount of energy as a function wavelength, follows Planck’s […]
For a redundant robot the inverse kinematics can be easily solved using a numerical approach.
We learn to compute a trajectory that involves simultaneous smooth motion of many robot joints.
We learn how to describe the 2D pose of an object by a 3×3 homogeneous transformation matrix which has a special structure. Try your hand at some online MATLAB problems. You’ll need to watch all the 2D “Spatial Maths” lessons to complete the problem set.