Robots and Society
Robots don’t exist in isolation from human society; we create them to help us. What are the big challenges that society faces?
Robots don’t exist in isolation from human society; we create them to help us. What are the big challenges that society faces?
Without doubt robots are cool, but why do we need them? Let’s discuss some of the things that robots can help people do.
In this mini-documentary we look at a diverse range of real-world robots, discuss what they do and how they do it.
Ethics is a global guide as to the right thing to do. Listen as Doug Baker explains this for us in terms of teleology and deontology with examples to help us understand.
We speculate about the further future, and how robots may impact upon our civilization.
Robots have an impact on jobs. We have discussed the balance that occurs when some jobs disappear and new jobs appear. However, Doug and I consider whether there is an ethical stance to be taken when individuals lose their jobs.
Every time I give a public talk about robots people ask questions about the impact on jobs. Let’s discuss some of the issues around robots and jobs, and people and robots might work together in the future.
We like robots but there’s also an element of fear, perhaps stoked by all those books and movies about our new robot overlords. I’m going to speculate a little about where the fear comes from.
I ask Doug Baker what ethics says about robots making autonomous decisions to kill during combat and he responds by explaining the importance of moral agency. We also discuss progress in robotics as measured by Asimov’s three laws.
It is not surprising public concern about robotic aircraft has prompted discussion about the potential to invade our privacy. However you might be surprised to learn our concept of privacy is changing over time and the real issue is autonomy.