Modelling and Simulation of a Joint Control System
We will use Simulink to create a dynamic model of a single robot joint and simulate its operation.
We will use Simulink to create a dynamic model of a single robot joint and simulate its operation.
So far we have worked out the torques on a robot’s joints based on joint position, velocity and acceleration. For simulation we want the opposite, to know its motion given the torques applied to the joints. This is called the forward dynamics problem.
We start by considering the effect of gravity acting on a robot arm, and how the torque exerted will disturb the position of the robot controller leading to a steady state error. Then we discuss a number of strategies to reduce this error.
We introduce the topic of robotics, the recent history, why we need robots and the future of robots.
We use MATLAB and some Toolbox functions to model the spectrum of a realistic light source, its modification after reflection from a colored object and the response of the cone cells to form a tristimulus response.
If your knowledge of dynamics is a bit rusty then let’s quickly revise the basics of second-order systems and the Laplace operator. Not rusty? Then go straight to the next section.
The linear algebra approach we’ve discussed is very well suited to MATLAB implementation. Let’s look at some toolbox functions that can simulate what cameras do. If you are using a more recent version of MVTB, ie. MVTB 4.x then please change>> cam.project(PW ‘Tcam’, transl(0.1, 0, 0)) to >> cam.project(PW ‘pose’, transl(0.1, 0, 0)).
We learn to compute a trajectory that involves simultaneous smooth motion of many robot joints.