Summary of Velocity Kinematics in 3D
We revisit the important points from this masterclass.
We revisit the important points from this masterclass.
We will learn about the relationship, in 3D, between the velocity of the joints and the velocity of the end-effector — the velocity kinematics. This relationship is described by a Jacobian matrix which also provides information about how easily the end-effector can move in different Cartesian directions. To do this in 3D we need to […]
We summarise the important points from this masterclass.
We will learn about the relationship, in 2D, between the velocity of the joints and the velocity of the end-effector — the velocity kinematics. This relationship is described by a Jacobian matrix which also provides information about how easily the end-effector can move in different Cartesian directions.
If your knowledge of dynamics is a bit rusty then let’s quickly revise the basics of second-order systems and the Laplace operator. Not rusty? Then go straight to the next section.
We resume our analysis of the 6-link robot Jacobian and focus on the rotational velocity part.
We recap the important points from this masterclass.
We summarise the important points from this lecture.
We combine what we’ve learnt about smoothly varying position and orientation to create smoothly varying pose, often called Cartesian interpolation.
We extend the idea of relative pose, introduced in the last lecture, to 3D. We learn another right-hand rule that indicates the direction of rotation about an axis, and we see how we can attach 3D coordinate frames to objects to determine their pose in 3D space.