Examining Pixel Values
We can use MATLAB to display a profile of brightness along a line in the image.
We can use MATLAB to display a profile of brightness along a line in the image.
MATLAB normally deals with matrices of floating point numbers. An image is typically represented by an array of small integer values, pixel value or greyscale values, which have a limited dynamic range and special rules for arithmetic.
So far we have taken a linear combination of pixels in the box around the input pixel, but non-linear operations like sorting and ranking the pixel values also prove to be very useful. We look at the median filter which is much better at removing salt and pepper noise from image than simple smoothing.
If we want to process images the first thing we need to do is to read an image into MATLAB as a variable in the workspace. What kind of variable is an image? How can we see the image inside a variable? How do we refer to to individual pixels within an image.
There is a lot of information in an image which we need to summarize somehow. An intensity histogram is one form of summary that provides useful information about how well the exposure of our camera is adjusted.
Given two images of a scene taken from slightly different viewpoints, a stereo image pair, it’s possible to determine the disparity for every pixel using template matching. The disparity image is one where the value of each pixel is inversely related to the distance between that point in the scene and the camera.
A robot can use a camera to capture an image of the world. The image contains millions of pixels, but the value of each pixel is not particularly informative about what’s present in the scene. We need a more concise or ‘higher level’ way to represent the information, and this is what we refer to […]
We introduce spatial operators by a simple example of taking the average value of all pixels in a box surrounding each input pixel. The result is a blurring or smoothing of the input image.
We run into problems when we take all of the pixels in a box around an input pixel and that pixel is close to one of the edges of the image. Let’s look at some strategies to deal with edge pixels.
We can describe the relationship between a 3D world point and a 2D image plane point, both expressed in homogeneous coordinates, using a linear transformation – a 3×4 matrix. Then we can extend this to account for an image plane which is a regular grid of discrete pixels.