Pinholes and Lenses
The pinhole camera simplifies the geometry but in practice it results in very dark images. Cameras, as well as our eyes, use a lens to form a brighter image but there are consequences.
The pinhole camera simplifies the geometry but in practice it results in very dark images. Cameras, as well as our eyes, use a lens to form a brighter image but there are consequences.
Let’s look at how light rays reflected from an object can form an image. We use the simple geometry of a pinhole camera to describe how points in a three-dimensional scene are projected on to a two-dimensional image plane.
Let’s recap the important points from the topics we have covered about image formation and perspective projection.
Vision is a ubiquitous sense and is found in almost all animals, but the number and type of eye is very diverse. We will look at examples such as compound eyes of insects, spiders, and sea creatures such as scallops and squids.
The pinhole or lensed camera is very similar to our eye, but there are lots of other ways to build a camera.