Analyzing a 2-joint planar robot arm
We consider a robot, which has two rotary joints and an arm.
We consider a robot, which has two rotary joints and an arm.
We consider the simplest possible robot, which has one rotary joint and an arm.
We consider a robot with three joints that moves its end-effector on a plane.
We revisit the simple 2-link planar robot and determine the inverse kinematic function using simple geometry and trigonometry.
A robot joint controller is a type of feedback control system which is an old and well understood technique. We will learn how to assemble the various mechatronic components such as motors, gearboxes, sensors, electronics and embedded computing in a feedback configuration to implement a robot joint controller.
We will learn about how we make the the robot joints move to the angles or positions that are required in order to achieve the desired end-effector motion. This is the job of the robot’s joint controller and in this lecture we will learn how this works. This journey will take us in to the […]
A number of strategies exist to reduce the effect of these coupling torques between the joints, from introducing a gearbox between the motor and the joint, to advanced feedforward strategies.
We will use Simulink to create a dynamic model of a single robot joint and simulate its operation.
We start by considering the effect of gravity acting on a robot arm, and how the torque exerted will disturb the position of the robot controller leading to a steady state error. Then we discuss a number of strategies to reduce this error.