Advanced 3D Computer Vision
Let’s look at some recent research results that vividly show how information from many 2D images taken from many different locations can be combined to form a detailed 3D model of the world.
Let’s look at some recent research results that vividly show how information from many 2D images taken from many different locations can be combined to form a detailed 3D model of the world.
For a camera moving through the environment we frequently wish to track particular world points from one frame to the next. We’ll do a quick introduction to the very large field of feature detection and matching using Harris corner features.
We summarise the important points from this lecture.
The linear algebra approach we’ve discussed is very well suited to MATLAB implementation. Let’s look at some toolbox functions that can simulate what cameras do. If you are using a more recent version of MVTB, ie. MVTB 4.x then please change>> cam.project(PW ‘Tcam’, transl(0.1, 0, 0)) to >> cam.project(PW ‘pose’, transl(0.1, 0, 0)).
The pinhole or lensed camera is very similar to our eye, but there are lots of other ways to build a camera.
Light field cameras are now commercially available and capture much more information about the rays of light reflected from the scene. This enables us to perform functions like changing the focus of an image after it has been captured.
For a binary image that contains multiple blobs we must first transform it using connectivity analysis or region labeling. Then we can describe each of the blobs in the scene we first need to transform the image using connectivity analysis. Each of the blobs can then be described in terms of its area, centroid position, […]
The pinhole camera simplifies the geometry but in practice it results in very dark images. Cameras, as well as our eyes, use a lens to form a brighter image but there are consequences.
Digital images are everywhere: in your phone, on your hard drive, on the internet. We can access still pictures, movies and streams from live cameras all around the world. Let’s talk about digital images and how we can get them into the MATLAB environment where we can work on them.
Vision is useful to us and to almost all forms of life on the planet, perhaps robots could do more if they could also see. Robots could mimic human stereo vision or use cameras with superhuman capability such as wide angle or panoramic views.