Homogeneous Coordinates – Recap
Let’s recap the basics of homogeneous coordinates to represent points on a plane.
Let’s recap the basics of homogeneous coordinates to represent points on a plane.
We can describe the relationship between a 3D world point and a 2D image plane point, both expressed in homogeneous coordinates, using a linear transformation – a 3×4 matrix. Then we can extend this to account for an image plane which is a regular grid of discrete pixels.
Let’s recap the important points from the topics we have covered about homogeneous coordinates, image formation, camera modeling and planar homographies.
We introduce serial-link robot manipulators, the sort of robot arms you might have seen working in factories doing tasks like welding, spray painting or material transfer. We will learn how we can compute the pose of the robot’s end-effector given knowledge of the robot’s joint angles and the dimensions of its links.
We learn how to describe the 2D pose of an object by a 3×3 homogeneous transformation matrix which has a special structure. Try your hand at some online MATLAB problems. You’ll need to watch all the 2D “Spatial Maths” lessons to complete the problem set.
We consider the simplest possible robot, which has one rotary joint and an arm.
How is an image formed? The real world has three dimensions but an image has only two. We can use linear algebra and homogeneous coordinates to understand what’s going on. This more general approach allows us to model the positions of pixels in the sensor array and to derive relationships between points on the image […]
We discuss the structure of a right-handed 3D coordinate frame and the spatial relationship between its axes which is encoded in the right-hand rule.
For an image stored as a variable in the MATLAB workspace let’s look at how we access the values of individual pixels in an image using their row and column coordinates. Using the MATLAB colon operator we can extract an intensity profile, extract a submatrix which is a region of the image, flip the image […]