Robotic arms and forward kinematics
We will learn about the relationship, in 3D, between the velocity of the joints and the velocity of the end-effector — the velocity kinematics. This relationship is described by a Jacobian matrix which also provides information about how easily the end-effector can move in different Cartesian directions. To do this in 3D we need to […]
We will learn about the relationship, in 2D, between the velocity of the joints and the velocity of the end-effector — the velocity kinematics. This relationship is described by a Jacobian matrix which also provides information about how easily the end-effector can move in different Cartesian directions.
This masterclass has been about kinematics and we define that term.
We will learn about inverse kinematics, that is, how to compute the robot’s joint angles given the desired pose of their end-effector and knowledge about the dimensions of its links. We will also learn about how to generate paths that lead to smooth coordinated motion of the end-effector.
We learn a method for succinctly describing the structure of a serial-link manipulator in terms of its Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, a widely used notation in robotics.
The pose of the working part of a robot’s tool depends on additional transforms. Where is the end of the tool with respect to the end of the arm, and where is the base of the robot with respect to the world?
Building a highly accurate robot is not trivial yet we can perform fine positioning tasks like threading a needle using hand-eye coordination. For a robot we call this visual servoing.
We summarise the important points from this masterclass.
For a real 6-link robot our previous approach to computing the Jacobian becomes unwieldy so we will instead compute a numerical approximation to the forward kinematic function.