Inverting the Jacobian Matrix
As we did for the simple planar robots we can invert the Jacobian and perform resolved-rate motion control.
As we did for the simple planar robots we can invert the Jacobian and perform resolved-rate motion control.
Seeing is an active process and our brain uses our eyes to find answers to questions — how we look at a scene depends on what we want to know. Eye tracking experiments measure where eye movement, where we look and what we pay attention to.
The pinhole or lensed camera is very similar to our eye, but there are lots of other ways to build a camera.
Building a highly accurate robot is not trivial yet we can perform fine positioning tasks like threading a needle using hand-eye coordination. For a robot we call this visual servoing.
If your knowledge of dynamics is a bit rusty then let’s quickly revise the basics of second-order systems and the Laplace operator. Not rusty? Then go straight to the next section.
Now we introduce a variant of the Jacobian matrix that can relate our angular velocity vector back to our rates of change of the roll, pitch and yaw angles.
We summarise the important points from this masterclass.