Visual perspective
We live in a three-dimensional world but it’s taken humans a long time to learn how to realistically depict the illusion of depth on a flat surface.
We live in a three-dimensional world but it’s taken humans a long time to learn how to realistically depict the illusion of depth on a flat surface.
We learn a method for succinctly describing the structure of a serial-link manipulator in terms of its Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, a widely used notation in robotics.
An alternative for smooth motion between poses is Cartesian interpolated motion which leads to straight line motion in 3D space.
Let’s do a quick recap of where humanity is with respect to machine intelligence, and how our concept of intelligence has changed over time.
A color camera has many similarities to the human eye. Instead of three types of cone cells a uniform silicon sensor uses a pattern of three color filters known as a Bayer filter.
We may often use the term ethics but what does it mean? What is an ethical problem and what is not? Is ethics independent of culture? Here’s a very quick introduction to the principles of ethics.
We combine what we’ve learnt about smoothly varying position and orientation to create smoothly varying pose, often called Cartesian interpolation.
We learn to compute a trajectory that involves simultaneous smooth motion of many robot joints.
We will introduce resolved-rate motion control which is a classical Jacobian-based scheme for moving the end-effector at a specified velocity without having to compute inverse kinematics.
The orientation of a body in 3D can also be described by a unit-Quaternion, an unusual but very useful mathematical object. In the MATLAB example starting at 3:48 I use the Quaternion class. For Toolbox version 10 (2017) please use UnitQuaternion instead.