Second Order Dynamic Systems
If your knowledge of dynamics is a bit rusty then let’s quickly revise the basics of second-order systems and the Laplace operator. Not rusty? Then go straight to the next section.
If your knowledge of dynamics is a bit rusty then let’s quickly revise the basics of second-order systems and the Laplace operator. Not rusty? Then go straight to the next section.
The pose of the working part of a robot’s tool depends on additional transforms. Where is the end of the tool with respect to the end of the arm, and where is the base of the robot with respect to the world?
In mathematical morphology the values of the structuring element were either zero or one. The hit and miss transform extends this to also include a ‘don’t care’ value. We can use this transform to solve complex problems like finding the skeleton of an object or the intersection point of lines.
Let’s recap the important points from the topics we have covered in advanced image processing.
We learn how to describe the 2D pose of an object by a 3×3 homogeneous transformation matrix which has a special structure. Try your hand at some online MATLAB problems. You’ll need to watch all the 2D “Spatial Maths” lessons to complete the problem set.
Many scenes, particularly of man-made environments, have very dominant lines due to the edges of objects. The Hough transform is a common technique for finding dominant lines, and we ill examine how it works and apply it to a real image.
We introduce the idea of attaching a coordinate frame to an object. We can describe points on the object by constant vectors with respect to the object’s coordinate frame, and then relate those to the points described with respect to a world coordinate frame. We introduce a simple algebraic notation to describe this. Try your […]
For a binary image that contains multiple blobs we must first transform it using connectivity analysis or region labeling. Then we can describe each of the blobs in the scene we first need to transform the image using connectivity analysis. Each of the blobs can then be described in terms of its area, centroid position, […]
We consider the simplest possible robot, which has one rotary joint and an arm.
When matching points between scenes with large different viewpoints we need to account for varying image size and rotation. SIFT features are a powerful way to achieve this.